James Hohman, a now-retired graphic artist from Pitt, and a two-decades member of the Battle of Homestead Foundation (BHF), filmed a myriad of...
Pump House Gang and What They Do
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James Hohman, a now-retired graphic artist from Pitt, and a two-decades member of the Battle of Homestead Foundation (BHF), filmed a myriad of...
The world's largest steel-producing plant is gone, replaced by a shopping complex, but those who worked in the mills want people to remember what...
In 1924 the little central Pennsylvania town of Lilly, near Altoona, was targeted for a massive Ku Klux Klan demonstration because local coal mines...
Events and People who have appeared at the Pump House Literature Poetry Film Labor Music William Serrin Judith Serrin John Hoerr Nick Coles Laurie...