In this excellent moving film, Michael Moore takes on the task of examining the serious class, ethnic, racial, and other divisions that exist today in the U.S. Unlike so many political experts, he had correctly predicted that Donald Trump would win the 2016 presidential election. Not only had he known Trump for years, as the cameras reveal, but more importantly, he understands working people and other voters who were not happy with the status quo. He gave them a voice and, in his own unique way, respected what they said.
Moore traveled across the country interviewing various Americans to discern the impact of Trump’s election. Interviews are not all Moore does. He also cites historical facts and current data in interesting ways, explores the role of the media, analyzes the effects of the Electoral College on elections, and examines the U.S. government’s agenda.
He does not hesitate to ask embarrassing questions about U.S. conduct or policies. Indeed, his film helps viewers to better understand how we got into the current dire political situation and what needs to be done if true change and true democracy can prevail. It is not a sentimental movie or a diatribe but an intelligent, balanced, thoughtful and entertaining presentation that no other film seen matches.
Thursday, October 10th 7:00 pm
At the Historic Pump House!