The BHF Archives Committee has been funded to collect and process archival material suitable for our envisioned History of Labor and Future of Work Center in the Steel Valley. Our first step was to engage a a part-time Consultant to oversee this process. Sinéad Bligh was selected as our first Archives Director and Coordinator of the Battle of Homestead Archive.
BHF-AGM-Report-Jan-2020-SBBHF Archives Committee Meeting- Monday July 29, 2019
Present: J. Haer, R. Trump, C. McCollester, K. Sheets, Jim Hohman
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Discussion of Project Coordinator job description sent out by John Haer on
July 22nd to the Archives Committee. All members have agreed to include
the pay (Max. $22/ hour and 10 hours a week for 22 weeks based on
experience) in the job description when final draft is completed. The final
draft will be completed and posted to Indeed by August 16th with priority
interviews given to applications received by September 6th. Hiring
Committee and interviews to meet around the second week of September.
The group discussed and revised draft of job description to be sent out to
the following places:
• Indeed.com
• BHF Website
• Courier Newspaper
• Email to the members
The hiring committee has been established as:
• Rosemary Trump
• Mark Fallon
• John Haer
• Charlie McCollester
Next Meeting: The next meeting is TBD by members over email.