Mike Stout worked at the Homestead Steel Mill from 1977-1987 and served as an Assistant Grievanceman, elected Zone Grievanceman and Grievance Chairman for USW Local 1397 from 1979 until the mill closed in 1987. He has studied and is intimately familiar with the history of Homestead and the Steel Valley. Mike has been a labor, community, environmental and anti-war organizer for 50 years and a singer and songwriter for 52 years. He has written more than 150 songs, including many on the struggles and movements of working people.
John Haer
John Haer worked 25 years in communications, organizing, negotiating and staff direction for a local union (SEIU) representing service and health care workers and (before retiring in 2012) 10 years as director of a local union (AFTRA) for performers and broadcasters...