Earth Day 2018 – A View of Hope from the Pit of Despair, by Patricia M. DeMarco

by May 17, 2018Latest Postings, Stories by BHF members - Our Blog

Patricia M. DeMarco, a BHF Board member, is a native of Pittsburgh, PA. with a doctorate in Biology from the University of Pittsburgh. She has spent a thirty -year career in energy and environmental policy in both private and public sector positions, including Commissioner of the Regulatory Commission of Alaska and Demand Side Manager for the Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative. She was the Executive Director of the Rachel Carson Homestead Association and Director of the Rachel Carson Institute at Chatham University. She writes about the environment and the effects of global pollution as she reflects on how the very first Earth Day called millions of people to action.

“A bright profusion of daffodils rims the pond.  Young mourning doves explore the edge of the waterfall with their fuzzy plumage offering camouflage from the Coopers hawks soaring overhead.  Blossoms and tree leaves swell in readiness to burst forth with the rich foliage of summer.  I listen to the songs of the birds in their Spring courtship calls and take comfort that the flow of the seasons continues.  At the micro-level of a single back yard, the thrum of Life pulses within the Earth and gives me peace. So much of what gives life meaning is embedded in little things. Priceless things like Spring.”


Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
~Rachel Carson (The Sense of Wonder. P. 100)

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