Homestead Works Remembered

by May 17, 2018Mike Stout, History, Latest Postings, Uncategorized

The world’s largest steel-producing plant is gone, replaced by a shopping complex, but those who worked in the mills want people to remember what once was. The Homestead Works of U.S. Steel, which at one time produced nearly a third of all the steel used in the United States, shut its doors July 25, 1986, when a lonely band of two dozen men, including BHF board member Mike Stout, drove out the Amity Street gate for the last time.

Mike Stout, the youngest of the group and former grievance chairman of Local 1397 of the United Steelworkers, said there were four things people should remember about the Homestead Works.

“One, there was a mill here. Two, it was the most productive mill in the world. Three, it was the most profitable mill in the world. And, four, they should remember the way that U.S. Steel shut it down and the way they treated people who were the most faithful, loyal, hardest-working employees you’ve ever seen.”

Read this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article from 2006 and listen to the stories of men and women who worked there.

Read the Full Article Here




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