Pump House Gang and What They Do

by Sep 5, 2018Jim Hohman, History, Latest Postings, Videos

James Hohman, a now-retired graphic artist from Pitt, and a two-decades member of the Battle of Homestead Foundation (BHF), filmed a myriad of BHF-connected site visits, historic marker celebrations, and expert interviews of little-known but significant moments in the region’s industrial history.


*Historian Paul Laxton’s 2008 walking tour of Thomas Bell’s “Out of This Furnace”, Braddock, PA.

*Murals and commemoration (2010) of the incredible resistance of the townspeople of the Blair County town of Lilly, PA, in 1924, when a gang of Klan thugs opposing hiring of Catholics were thwarted and run out of town.

*Free Speech in Homestead celebrated in 2003 with a march to marker dedications for Mother Jones, Frances Perkins, and Fannie Sellins.



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