Recommended Reading

by Jul 25, 2016Book Reviews, History, Latest Postings

homestead02Homestead: A Complete History of the Struggle of July, 1892, between the Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd, and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers.”
by Arthur G. Burgoyne.
Illustrated. 1893. In 1893 Arthur Burgoyne, one of Pittsburgh’s most skilled and sensitive journalists, published Homestead, a complete history of the 1892 Homestead strike and the ensuing conflict between the Carnegie Steel Company and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. Accurate, readable, and judiciously balanced in assigning blame, this work gives crucial insight into a turbulent period in Pittsburgh’s history.

Homestead01Homestead: The Glory And Tragedy Of An American Steel Town
By  William Serrin, 1992

Homestead, Pennsylvania, was the city Andrew Carnegie built to make steel. For a century it made its mill owners fortunes and armed America through two world wars. It became the site of a defining battle between management and organized labor and gave thousands of families a livelihood and a way of life. When Homestead died in 1986, it was because steel could be made more cheaply elsewhere — and because the logic of the time decreed that a town and the people who lived in it were as disposable as any other kind of industrial waste.

homestead03The Battle for Homestead, 1880–1892 Politics, Culture, and Steel
By Paul Krause, 1992

Paul Krause calls upon the methods and insights of labor history, intellectual history, anthropology, and the history of technology to situate the events of the lockout and their significance in the broad context of America’s Gilded Age. Utilizing extensive archival material, much of it heretofore unknown, he reconstructs the social, intellectual, and political climate of the burgeoning post-Civil War steel industry.


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