Steeltown Jews: History and Legacy at Work in Homestead, PA

THURSDAY, Mar. 23, 2023 @ 7:30 p.m. The Battle of Homestead Foundation presents “Steeltown Jews: History and Legacy at Work in Homestead, PA”, a free Zoom program discussing the development of Homestead’s early Jewish community and the interplay of labor, industry and ethnicity in America’s most famous steel mill town.

Historian Tammy Hepps will review the history of the Jewish community in Homestead, from the 1881 arrival of the first Jewish family as the steel mill was built to the 1993 closing of the synagogue when the last members could no longer make a minyan.  In parallel, the talk will explore how the popular narratives around Homestead narrowed over time, centering on the interplay of labor and industry yet ultimately erasing people and stories that didn’t fit those themes. By restoring Homestead’s overlooked Jewish American narratives, new insights are provided that offer a more complete understanding of America’s most famous steel mill town.

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