125th Anniversary of the Battle of Homestead
On July 6, 2017, we will mark 125 years since the Battle of Homestead took place. BHF is planning several events to commemorate this occasion, and we are also looking for financial support. Some of the thing we have in mind: Dramatic readings in conjunction...
New Memorial Plaque Dedicated
On April 21, 2016 we dedicated a new plaque outside the Pump House to give visitors a better understand of what took place on July 6, 1892. The program for the dedication included participation of students from Steel Valley High School. Musical Opening: “Homestead...
Recommended Reading
"Homestead: A Complete History of the Struggle of July, 1892, between the Carnegie Steel Company, Ltd, and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers." by Arthur G. Burgoyne. Illustrated. 1893. In 1893 Arthur Burgoyne, one of Pittsburgh’s most skilled and...